
The Benefits of Gardening for Your Physical Health

Posted on April 9th, 2020 by Orthopaedic Specialty Group

With the world spending a lot of time alone and indoors right now, many people are finding themselves struggling to keep active and busy. One hobby that many find themselves picking up right now is gardening.

Not only is it the perfect activity to celebrate social distancing while still getting some sunlight, but you can benefit physically and mentally from it, too. If you are looking to take up a hobby while giving your joints a bit more movement, here are a few reasons why gardening should be it: 

It Can Reduce Stress

For starters, it’s a great way to focus and keep busy during this time, allowing you to destress while feeling accomplished. It’s also been linked to a decrease in anxiety and depression. Some even use it as a form of rehabilitation during recovery, as it benefits not only your mental health but your physical health, too. 

Helps You Stay Active

A sedative lifestyle leads to stiffness and increased joint pain. When it comes to gardening and your activity level, it often falls in the moderate-intense category. An hour of light gardening can help you burn calories more than if you had gone for a walk. If you do have a new or chronic injury, you’ll want to ensure you are protecting your joints as you garden. There is plenty of equipment now available to help protect those who have arthritis, knee, or back problems. Limit your time at first, and listen to your body. 

A Great Way to Gain Vitamin D

Sunlight exposure is vital to keep your vitamin D levels where they should be. Your calcium levels rely on your vitamin D, and if you lack both, you increase your risk of bone weakness and other ailments in the future. 

Builds Up Hand Strength

From weeding to seeding, gardening takes a lot of dexterity, and over time, can help improve your flexibility and strength. For those with arthritis, using your palms instead of your fingers or investing in tools that are easy-to-grip, along with taking frequent breaks can make gardening with arthritis still possible.  

Pain Specialists Milford CT

If you are experiencing chronic joint pain, our team at Orthopaedic Speciality Group provides state of the art interventional pain management targeting spinal and musculoskeletal disorders. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.